lundi 4 juillet 2016

Today's Review: Candy Land Jelly Filled Flumps

Flumps are an all time classic, untouched by the ravages of time. To be fair, it's a marshmallow twist in different colours, there's not much that could be done to it, and really, does anyone want anything more from a Flump? Perhaps not, but Candy Land are offering an alternative with these jelly filled Flumps. In case you hadn't guessed, these are Flumps filled with strawberry jelly. I didn't know I wanted them until I saw them, and then I immediately grabbed the bag. I found these in Wilkinson for 95p.

The first time I read that packaging, I was in American mode, so took the "jelly" to mean "jam". Clearly it's not the classic British seeded jam shoved in there, it is indeed more of the wibbly wobbly jelly variety. The consistency is somewhere in between wobbly and American jelly though, it's a smooth, fruity filling that doesn't quite possess the tenacious texture of a jelly, it's instead more of a paste. It's better than it sounds, based on that description, but I will say that it's not great. The flavour is nice enough, but I wouldn't say it's all that good. Perhaps the taste of the marshmallow threw it out of whack, but these didn't scream "strawberry" to me. Besides, there's not much of it in each Flump, which makes sense seeing as they're pretty small already. Don't get me wrong, these are still somewhat tasty, and they're an interesting variation on the classic Flump, but they could do with a more substantial and flavoursome filling. Good idea, average execution.

My rating: 3/5

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